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Almentor was founded in the year 2016 by Ihab Fikry, Ibrahim Kamel, Hesham Heikal, Husni Khuffash, and Abdelrahman Fahmy. Almentor is an online learning and personal development platform. The Company was formed to provide courses and teach skills for personal development to users in the Middle East and Africa. Almentor provides free crash courses and full-fledged paid courses for individuals and organizations. Almentor’s goal is to advance the skills of the individuals in over 56 Arabic Speaking Countries.

Users in the GCC Countries can see courses in English or Arabic from their favorite mentors. Almentor has face-to-face learning experiences for all users for personalized learning. Users in the Middle East prefer personalized learning and Alementor provides interactive content seeing their requirement. The Team at Almentor connects students with the best mentors across all courses. Almentor has also become the largest platform for learning in Arabic in the Middle East.

Alementor has more than 4,00,000 courses in the field of entrepreneurship, soft skills, parental and relationship management, sales and marketing, business management, humanities, health and fitness, technology, programming, software, website development, mobile app development, communication, and 100’s of other emerging fields of learning. Users have access to free courses as well which helps them gain education and skills free of cost.

Almentor Coupon Codes and Promo Codes

Almentor Coupon Codes Discount Terms Validity
startnow50 50% Off on Courses Ongoing
startnow50 50% Off on Website Development Courses Ongoing
startnow50 50% Off on Marketing Courses Ongoing

How to buy a course at Almentor?

  • Buying a Course at Almentor is simple
  • Just Select the Course that you want to enroll in
  • Click “Buy Now” and proceed to pay for the course
  • Your order for the course will be completed after payment
  • You can now access the course in Both English and Arabic

How to use Almentor Coupon Codes?

  • Visit GC Coupons
  • Search for Alementor Coupons
  • Click the “Get Code” button to copy the code
  • You will automatically be redirected to Almentor
  • Paste the Coupon after selecting the course that you want to buy
  • The Discount will be applied
  • Now proceed to pay for the course
  • You will successfully book a course using the Almentor Coupon Code

Customer Care Information

  • Almentor Customer Care Contact No: 0020233331000
  • Company Address: Almentor FZCO Floor # 2, Techno Hub 2,1A 4 A Street, Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai, UAE, Landmark: Beside Dubai Technology Entrepreneur Center, P.O.Box: 342142 Dubai
  • Facebook Contact:
  • Twitter Contact:

Students and Users can contact the Almentor Customer Service Team if they face any problems in purchasing or viewing the courses. If customers find any problems with the quality of the courses, they can also contact the team.

Returns Policy

Users can cancel their courses and get full refunds within 7 days of buying a course. The Course should not be viewed more than 25 percent for the full refund to come. The Team at Alementor has the right to accept or reject the cancellation request. Users should contact the customer care team for their refunds.

Almentor’s Unique Features

High-Quality Courses in Arabic

Almentor is the first platform that has dedicated courses in Arabic. Now, Users from over 50 Arabic Speaking Countries can watch the best courses in terms of skill development in their own language. Almentor has also the best mentors from Middle Eastern Countries to teach the most required courses in Arabic. The Expertise of Almentor helps it stand out in the Middle Eastern Countries.

Expert Mentors

Experts teach the most important skills at Almentor. Experts in the field of software, marketing, communication, engineering, business, and e-commerce, teach the skills required to succeed in the relevant fields. Users can also choose the mentors they wish to learn from. With Guided and Dedicated Learning from the most important and successful people. students can learn the essentials of being successful in all the fields. Users can buy books and listen to talks on Almentor.

Free Courses

Almentor also gives free courses regularly to the users. One of the goals for Almentor was to impart the relevant skills in the youth of the Middle East. The Company also does it bit by giving courses free of cost to deserving learners.

Popular Almentor Coupon Codes and Discount Codes at GC Coupons

Almentor Coupon Codes and Promo Codes can be used to get courses at discounted prices. Our team publishes Almentor Coupon Codes (رموز القسيمة المنتور), Deals, and Promo Codes to help users buy courses and books at lower prices and save money. Also, check out Temu UAE Coupons only on GC Coupons. 

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