Samma3a Coupons

5 Samma3a Coupon Codes & Offers available

Founded in 2013, Samma3a is a popular e-commerce platform catering to music enthusiasts. Samma3a offers speakers, headphones, wearables, microphones, and more. Use the Samma3a coupon codes and get up to 65% off on your order. These voucher codes are applicable for customers in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Egypt, Oman, and Jordan.

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Samma3a was founded in 2013. The Company was founded by a group of friends who were music enthusiasts and had close to 15 years of experience in the audio equipment segment. Samma3a was founded to serve the customers to purchase the best audio devices and accessories. Samma3a started selling headphones, speakers, microphones, wearables, and other categories in the United Arab Emirates. The Company expanded into other regions in the Middle East after the initial success in the UAE. Samma3a is owned and operated under Smart Audio Electronics Trading, LLC.

Today Samma3a sells products in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Jordan, Egypt Oman, and Lebanon. Samma3a sells headphones, turntables, speakers, microphones, computer accessories, DJ Equipment, and smart home devices. The Company serves the audiophiles in the MENA region and enters into exclusive partnerships with the top brands. Currently, Samma3a is one of the largest e-commerce websites in the MENA region for purchasing any kind of audio equipment.

How to use Samma3a Coupons?

  • Search for Samma3a Coupons in the search bar at our website
  • Choose any coupon from the available coupons
  • Copy the Coupon by clicking on “get code”
  • The Coupon will be copied to your device and you will be redirected to Samma3a
  • Add the required products to your shopping cart
  • Paste the Coupon that you copied in the “Have a Coupon” box on the shopping cart page
  • Your discount will be applied
  • Proceed to select the shipping address.
  • After the delivery address has been selected, pay for the order
  • The order will be placed and you will receive a discount.

Customer Care Information

  • Samma3a Customer Care Phone Number:- +971553852900
  • Samma3a Customer Care Email:-
  • Company Address: UAE, Dubai, Tecom, Al Ameri Tower, Office No 508
  • Facebook Contact:
  • Twitter Contact:
  • Instagram Contact:

Customers can contact Samma3a by email or by calling them at +971553852900. Samma3a’s Customer Care Team can also be contacted via the official social media channels on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Return Policy

Customers can return the products within 10 days from the date of delivery at Samma3a. The Company has no questions asked return policy for products that are not used, not opened, and not damaged.  If the products have been opened but are in the original condition, they can be returned within 30 days from the date of delivery. Samma3a refunds 65% of the total amount as a purchase voucher which can be used to buy anything for all products which have been opened and are returned within 30 days.

The returns are free of cost for all customers in the United Arab Emirates. For other countries, Samma3a deducts the shipping fee from the total refund amount. Returns can be done by scheduling a pickup at Samma3a. Refunds are processed within 7-10 days after receiving the products.

Shipping & Delivery


Samma3a offers free delivery on all orders over 250 AED in the United Arab Emirates. A fee of 20 AED is charged as delivery charges for all orders below 250 AED in the UAE. Most orders are delivered within 1-2 days in the UAE.

For Other Countries

Samma3a offers free delivery for all orders above $140 in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Jordan, Egypt, Oman, and Lebanon. A fee of $14 is charged as delivery charges for all orders below $140 for other GCC Countries. Cash on delivery payment option is also available at Samma3a. An additional fee is charged for cash on delivery orders.

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