
Magzter Promo Codes

6 Magzter Coupon Codes & Offers available

Magzter is a global digital newsstand offering access to thousands of magazines, newspapers, and premium articles. Founded in 2011, it allows users to read publications on various topics like fashion, technology, entertainment, and business. Available on smartphones, tablets, and computers, Magzter provides a convenient way to stay updated. With the Magzter GOLD subscription, users can enjoy unlimited access to a vast library of content from around the world.

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Magzter is a global digital magazine newsstand, founded in 2011 in New York by Girish Ramdas and Vijayakumar Radhakrishnan. It offers digital versions of thousands of magazines, newspapers, and premium articles from across the world. Users can access content on various topics, including fashion, entertainment, technology, health, and business. The platform supports multiple devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and computers, allowing users to read their favorite publications anytime, anywhere.

Magzter also offers the Magzter GOLD subscription, which gives unlimited access to a wide range of publications for a monthly fee. The service operates in over 175 countries and supports many languages, making it a convenient source for both international and local content. Magzter’s library includes popular titles like Forbes, National Geographic, and Cosmopolitan, catering to a broad audience. Today, Magzter has its local presence in Amsterdam, London, Mexico City, Chennai, Mumbai, New Delhi, Bengaluru, and Singapore, and will soon be expanding to other countries.

GC Coupons brings you Magzter coupon codes on its platform. You can get $50 discount on your order by using these codes. All the users can avail this discount worldwide. 

What Categories Does Magzter Offer?

Magzter offers a wide range of categories, including fashion, entertainment, technology, health, business, lifestyle, sports, and news. Users can also find publications on travel, photography, automotive, education, and food. The platform caters to different interests, offering both global and local content across these categories. It provides access to digital magazines, newspapers, and premium articles.

You can go to the GC Coupons website or app and get the latest Magzter promo codes. These codes are applicable to all new and existing users worldwide. You can download the GC Coupons app and get amazing deals and offers. 


Magzter’s fashion category covers the latest trends, styles, and industry news. Readers can access magazines including Cosmopolitan, Elle, Grazia, Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Outlook, and much more. Get runway updates, designer collections, beauty tips, and celebrity fashion. 


In the entertainment category, Magzter offers magazines and articles on movies, music, TV shows, and celebrity news. Readers can explore updates on film releases, interviews with stars, and reviews of entertainment events. 


Magzter’s technology section features magazines on the latest gadgets, innovations, software, and tech trends. Find magazines like Open source for You, Stuff, PCWorld, Wired, Macworld, DataQuest, and much more. Readers can stay updated on product reviews, tech industry news, and upcoming technological advancements. This category is suitable for tech enthusiasts and professionals.


The health category covers wellness, fitness, nutrition, and medical news. Readers can find content on healthy living, workout routines, mental well-being, and medical breakthroughs. Magazines like Women Fitness, GlobalSpa, Life Positive, Yoga, and Total Health in this section offer tips and advice for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


Magzter’s business section includes magazines on finance, entrepreneurship, economy, and corporate news. It offers insights into market trends, investment strategies, leadership tips, and business success stories. This category is ideal for professionals, entrepreneurs, and those interested in business growth.


The lifestyle category covers topics like home décor, relationships, parenting, and hobbies. Readers can explore ideas for home improvement, family life, self-care, and personal development.


Magzter’s sports category features content on various sports, including football, basketball, tennis, and more. Readers can follow team updates, player interviews, match analyses, and sports news. 


Magzter’s automotive category offers content on cars, bikes, and other vehicles. Readers can find reviews of the latest models, industry news, and updates on motor shows. 

How to Shop at Magzter?

  • Download the Magzter app from the Apple Store or Google Play Store.
  • Sign up by entering your basic information.
  • Choose the subscription plan you want to purchase and add it to your cart.
  • Enter your contact details and any other required information.
  • Apply the GC Coupons Magzter discount code to enjoy an extra discount on your subscription.
  • Complete the payment using your preferred payment method.
  • Once the payment is processed, your subscription will be confirmed, and the details will be sent to you.

How to Redeem a Magzter Coupon Code? 

  • Visit the GC Coupons website/app and search for Magzter in the search box.
  • Select a promo code from the available options.
  • Click on ‘Get Code’ to copy the exclusive code.
  • You will be redirected to the Magzter app or website.
  • Choose the subscription plan you want and add it to your cart.
  • Apply the GC Coupons Magzter coupon code before completing the payment to receive an additional discount.

Customer Care Information

  • Customer Care Email: help@magzter.com
  • Facebook Contact: facebook.com/mobilemagzter
  • Instagram Contact: instagram.com/mobilemagzter/
  • Twitter Contact: x.com/MobileMagzter

Payment Options 

Mazgter accepts various payment options including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. 


Q: What is the cheapest subscription plan with Magzter?

A: Magzter’s most affordable plan is the 1-month subscription. You can enjoy access to a wide range of magazines and newspapers.

Q: How do I purchase Magzter with a coupon code?

A: GC Coupons often provides exclusive deals and coupon codes for Magzter. Choose the coupon code from the GC Coupons website or app, and enter it at checkout when you’re redirected to Magzter’s site.

Q: How can I upgrade my Magzter plan?

A: If you’re looking for more access, you can easily upgrade your Magzter gold plan. The new plan will start after your current subscription ends.

Q: Where can I find Magzter coupons?

A: Visit the GC Coupons website or app to find the latest Magzter coupons. These discounts can help you save up to 30% on your subscription.

Q: How frequently are Magzter coupon codes updated at GC Coupons?

A: GC Coupons regularly updates its Magzter coupon codes. Be sure to check back often for the best deals on subscriptions or renewals.

Q: Can I cancel my Magzter subscription?

A: Yes, you can cancel your Magzter subscription at any time. It’s recommended to cancel before your renewal date by contacting customer service.

Q: Is there a refund option for Magzter?

A: Magzter offers a refund for certain plans. If you’re not satisfied, reach out to their support team within the refund period for eligible plans.

Q: How do I contact customer support at Magzter?

A: You can contact Magzter customer support via email at help@magzter.com.

Q: What is the maximum discount amount that can be availed using a Magzter coupon code?

A: There is no fixed maximum discount amount for Magzter coupon codes, as it depends on the deal available at the time.

Q: What is the validity of Magzter coupons?

A: GC Coupons provides details about the validity of Magzter discount codes. As long as the coupons are listed on the website or app, they can be used.

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Why we Magzter

Variety of plans 

Access to the world’s largest magazine collection

Multiple languages 

Secure payments