Boots KSA Coupons

5 Boots KSA Coupon Codes & Offers available

Boots KSA is a leading retailer offering wide range of health and beauty products for its customers in KSA. The brand offers cosmetics, perfumes, health supplements, and baby care products from well-known brands. Grab 5% extra discount by using the coupon code ‘PFP5L‘ and use the promo code ‘PFWN1’ to redeem 5% extra discount

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Established by the Boots family in 1849, Boots KSA has emerged as a leading destination for health and beauty products needs. Boots is a UK-based brand known for its wide category of products. M.H Alshaya Co. introduced Boots KSA for the first time in 2006 in Middle Eastern countries.

The product ranges from skincare, haircare, wellness, baby care, beauty, pharmacy, and much more. Boots KSA offers an easy shopping experience online for its customers. Plus, they offer same-day delivery options so that customers can get their orders on time.

GC Coupons provides the latest Boots KSA Coupon codes for customers in KSA on its website and app. You can download our app and get notified with the latest promo codes and apply during your shopping time at Boots KSA. 

What Categories Does Boots KSA Offer?

Browse through a wide category of products at Boots KSA. Find the best offers on beauty products, makeup, health supplements, perfumes, and more. 

Boots KSA offers a variety of products under one roof, including bath and body essentials, health products, electronic beauty products, and more. Go to GC Coupons and find the updated Boots KSA promo codes on our website or app. 

Check the latest coupon codes for Boots KSA and redeem a 5% discount on your order. These codes are applicable to new and existing customers in KSA. Download our app and get notified of the latest updates.

Personal Care

Boots KSA offers various personal care products on its website. Choose among bath salts, body scrubs, bubble baths, body washes, shower gels, shampoos, conditioners, soaps, handwashes, deodorants, tissue wipes and cotton pads, moisturizers, body lotions, body perfumes, and much more. Grab 5% extra discount on all these products by using Boots KSA coupon codes available on the GC Coupons website and app. 


Shop from a wide selection of fragrances from Boots KSA. Select among women’s and men’s fragrances on their website. Find a variety of scents and smells, including fruity, floral, woody, aqua, and more. Also, choose among men’s fragrances, including body rolls, sprays, and antiperspirant deodorants.

Makeup Essentials 

Select from various makeup essentials on Boots KSA. Scan through foundations, mascara, eyeshadows, pencil brows, eyeliners, lashes, lipsticks, nail sets, make-up removers, brushes & tools, and more. Avail 5% extra discount on your shopping by using Boots KSA voucher codes available on GC Coupons. 

Suncare And Tanning Products 

Explore a wide variety of suncare and tanning products on Boots KSA. Select from SPF fluid creams, tan lotions, liquid gels, sunscreen oil, self-tanning foam, face mists, body scrubs, foundations, moisturizers, UV protection creams, hydrating gels, and much more. GC Coupons offers its customers the best experience by providing offers and discounts on Boots KSA. Download our app and find the latest coupon codes for Boots KSA.

Skincare Products

Discover an extensive selection of products at Boots KSA for skincare needs. Choose among foaming cleansers, micellar waters, cleansing balms, cleaning gels, face wipes, exfoliating scrubs, toners, mists, masks, serums, face oils, day and night creams, lip balms, under-eye masks, eye contours, eye creams, eye serums, men’s skincare, tools & accessories, and more. Grab 5% extra discount on your order by applying GC Coupons promo codes. 

Boots KSA Coupon Codes

Boots KSA Coupons Discount Terms Validity
T1040 Receive up to 40% off on makeup removers + 5% extra discount Ongoing
Y4861 Get 5% extra discount on your next order Ongoing
Y2561 Get up to 30% off on serums + 5% extra discount Ongoing
Y5093 Receive 5% extra discount on your order Ongoing
Y52561 Avail 5% extra discount on every order Ongoing

How to Shop at Boots KSA?

  • Go through Boots KSA’s official website. 
  • Sign in to your account or create a new account. 
  • Browse through a wide selection of products.
  • Add the products to your shopping cart. 
  • Apply the Boots KSA voucher code to redeem the discount. 
  • Provide your personal details, including your address.
  • Select the payment mode available on the website. 
  • Pay for the order and place your order.

How to Use Boots KSA’s coupon codes?

  • Visit GC Coupon’s official website or app. 
  • Go to the search bar and search for the retailer. 
  • Once the page opens, you can find the coupon codes you want to use.
  • Click on the ‘get code’ to receive the code.
  • The link will be directed to the Boots KSA’s official page.
  • Choose your products and add them to the cart.
  • Apply Boots KSA promo code in the ‘add promo code’ box to redeem the discount.
  • Select the payment mode and pay for your order. 
  • Your order is placed successfully. 

Customer Care Information 

  • Customer Care Phone: +9668004414440
  • Customer Care Email:
  • Facebook Contact:
  • Instagram Contact:

Shipping and Delivery

Boots KSA provides fast and secure delivery to its customers. Customers in KSA can get same-day delivery if the order is received before 12 pm. The delivery is free on orders above 299 SAR. Otherwise, the delivery charge will be 25 SAR. Boots KSA also offers a standard delivery option, which takes 1-5 business days. Delivery cost is free on orders above 149 SAR. Otherwise, a 20 SAR delivery charge will be applicable. 

Payment Options

You can choose payment options on Boots KSA for a flexible payment. Boots KSA offers credit/ debit card payments with Visa or MasterCard, Apple Pay, cash on delivery, and buy now, pay later options. 


Q: Is there any special discount on Boots KSA’s shopping?

A: Yes, there are many special discounts on Boots KSA’s shopping. Browse through the GC Coupons website or app and find the latest Boots KSA coupon codes to redeem discounts. 

Q: How to enter a voucher code at Boots KSA?

A: Once you add all the products you need to your shopping cart, apply the Boots KSA coupon code. All the coupon codes apply easily at Boots KSA once you hit the button. 

Q: Is there any minimum order amount required to use the Boots KSA coupon codes?

A: No, there is no minimum order amount required to use Boots KSA coupon codes. 

Q: How do I contact customer support at Boots KSA?

A: You can contact customer support at Boots KSA via phone at +9668004414440. 

Q: Does Boots KSA take returns or exchanges?

A: Yes, Boots KSA does take returns or exchanges. 

Q: What is the validity of Boots KSA’s coupons?

A: GC Coupons provides all the details regarding coupon codes in the description box. All the Boots KSA voucher codes that are available on the GC Coupons website and app are applicable. 

Q: What are the payment options available at Boots KSA?

A: Boots KSA offers various payment options, including debit/credit cards, Apple Pay, buy now and pay later, and cash on delivery. 

Q: Where can I find the latest Boots KSA discount codes?

A: GC Coupons regularly updates Boots KSA discount codes on its website and app. Download our app to get notified with new voucher codes. 

Q: Can I cancel my Boots Bahrain order once it’s placed?

A: Yes, you can cancel your Boots Bahrain order by contacting customer care support at +9668004414440. 

Q: How do I stay updated on the latest Boots KSA coupon codes?

A: You can stay updated on the latest Boots KSA coupon codes by downloading the GC Coupons app. We update coupon codes on a regular basis so you can get notified of new discounts and offers.

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Why we Boots KSA

Fast and secure delivery 

Wide selection of products 

Strong customer support 

Easy returns