
Desertcart Coupons

24 Desertcart Coupon Codes & Offers available

Founded in 2014 in the United Arab Emirates, Desertcart today caters to customers in over 20 countries. Shop electronics, grooming essentials, furniture, baby care items, footwear, home appliances, and more. Use the Desertcart voucher code "AMN4" and save 10% on your order. The discount code is applicable for new and returning customers in KSA, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Iraq, and the UAE.

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Desertcart was started in 2014 in the United Arab Emirates and has quickly grown into the region's leading shopping destination. The Company transformed the shape of e-commerce in the Middle East. Customers from over 20 countries including the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, and Saudi Arabia can place their orders at Desertcart.

Desertcart offers more than 70 million products and sells them in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, and Bahrain. Desertcart sells Electronics, Fashion, Books, Beauty & Grooming Essentials, Toys, Sports goods, Home and Kitchen products. It offers exclusive products and deals with partnerships from some of the world's leading brands. There is hardly something that can not be found at Desertcart. If you are looking for a fashion overhaul or just looking to get some books, Desertcart remains one of the best choices to get things delivered.

What Categories does Desertcart Offer?

Desertcart offers its customers with a collection of baby care items, footwear, sports items, electronics, grooming essentials, furniture, kitchen appliances, home appliances, and more.

Shop tops, dresses, shoes, heels, sandals, t-shirts, action figures, dolls, building blocks, baby changing tables, high chairs, baby carriers, coffee makers, toasters, cameras, mobile phones, and more.

Check out the Desertcart website or download their app and select among a wide variety of options available. To get the best discounts on your purchase, visit the GC Coupons website and app. Here, you can find the latest Desertcart voucher codes. These promo codes are applicable for new and returning customers in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Iraq, and the United Arab Emirates.  

Kitchen Appliances

Desertcart Kitchen Appliances

Find some of the latest kitchen appliances available on Desertcart. Choose among blenders, cupcake makers, bread machines, tea makers, coffee makers, compact refrigerators, and more. You can now get up to 30% off on kitchen appliances by using coupon codes available on the GC Coupons website and app. These Desertcart promo codes are applicable for new and returning customers in the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, and Saudi Arabia.

Baby Care Products

Desertcart Baby Care Products

Shop on Desertcart and get some of the best and highest quality baby care products. Select among bathing tubs, changing tables, diapers, car seats, ointments, carriers, pacifiers, and more. GC Coupons aims to make your shopping experience better by offering valid and 100% working Desertcart promo codes for customers. Use the available coupon codes and save up to 45% on your order.


Desertcart Clothing

Desertcart has a wide collection of men, women, and kids clothing. Some of the items available here are tops, hoodies, t-shirts, shirts, jeans, shorts, and more. Shop and save up to 55% on your order by using Desertcart discount codes available on the GC Coupons website and app. These coupon codes are applicable for new and returning customers and can be used multiple times.

Desertcart Coupon Codes and Promo Codes

Desertcart Coupons Discount Terms  Validity 
OM6 Up to 35% Off on Baby Essentials + 5% Additional Discount | UAE Ongoing
AMN4 Enjoy up to 50% Off on Bathing and Skincare Products + 10% Extra Discount Ongoing
OM56 Redeem up to 45% Off on Perfumes + 5% Additional Discount Ongoing
DCM502 10% Discount Sitewide up to 50 AED/SAR Ongoing

How to shop at Desertcart?

  • Visit Desertcart.com
  • Choose your country
  • Choose the language
  • Shop for the products you want
  • Add all the products to your shopping cart
  • Choose your shipping address
  • Choose the shipping speed
  • Check the Order Total and Taxes
  • Pay through the available payment options
  • Order will be placed successfully

How to use Desertcart Coupon Codes?

  • Visit our website
  • Check for Desertcart Coupons
  • Click on "Get Code" to automatically copy the coupon
  • Paste the Coupon at Desertcart
  • Discount will be applied
  • Proceed to select your delivery address
  • Pay through any of the available payment options
  • You will successfully place a discounted order at Desertcart

Customer Care Information

  • Customer Care Phone Number: (+971-45245555)
  • Facebook Contact: https://www.facebook.com/desertcart
  • Twitter Contact: https://twitter.com/desertcartmena

Payment Options

Desertcart offers its customers with multiple payment options including Mastercard, VISA, and PayPal. Certain items have a cash on delivery option. Kindly check prior to purchase.

Return Policy

Desertcart provides a 14-day return policy for all customers to return their defective products. The Company accepts returns if the products have manufacturing defects or are not as described on the website. A Fee of 25 AED is deducted from the refund amount in the United Arab Emirates. You can request a return by contacting Desertcart through phone, Live Chat, or sending a ticket within 14 calendar days of your delivery. Refunds are usually processed within 2-5 days. Refunds are processed to the original mode of payment.

Shipping & Delivery

Desertcart delivers to multiple countries and has different shipping rates for each country. Desertcart offers free delivery for all orders above 250 AED in the United Arab Emirates. A Charge of 25 AED is imposed on a shipping fee if the order amount is below 250 AED. The Shipping Rates for other countries are as follows:

Countries  Shipping Rates 
Saudi Arabia  SAR 25
Jordan  JD 5.00
Bahrain  BD 2.500
Kuwait KD 2.500
Qatar  QAR 25
Lebanon  $7.00
Oman 2.500 OMR
Egypt  E£ 100

Desertcart's Unique Features

Desertcart Ramadan Sale

Desertcart is now offering its famous Ramadan Sale. Shop here and save up to 65% on all products. Select from among baby care essentials, toys, sporting essentials, electronics, grooming items, beauty products, kitchen appliances, home appliances, and more. Use the Desertcart voucher codes available on the GC Coupons platform and save up to 75% on all items. These coupon codes are applicable for new and returning customers in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, and Bahrain this Ramadan and Eid.

Shipping to Multiple Countries

Desertcart is a global e-commerce platform offering millions of products under one roof. The Company serves users in Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. You can find everything on the website. This makes it an overall choice in terms of shopping. You can also find Desertcart UAE Coupons, Desertcart KSA Coupons, Desertcart Kuwait Coupons, and Desertcart Egypt Coupons at our website.

Find Anything

Desertcart has listed a "Find Anything Challenge" in which if you don't find a product available on Desertcart that is available at online retailers in the US, UK, India, and the UAE , you will get a $13 Store Credit. The Customer has to share the link of the product to Desertcart in order to avail of the offer. The Team at Desertcart will respond within 24-48 hours and issue the credit after verifying the details. This is a pretty interesting feature and not many retailers issue such challenges.

Plus Membership

Desertcart offers a subscription-based Plus Membership. Members can avail unlimited free delivery without a minimum purchase threshold requirement. Plus Membership also entails customers to get 4 Free expedited deliveries every month. Products can be returned within 30 days for Plus Members. The Membership also offers exclusive offers and deals to all customers.

Refer a Friend

Existing Customers can refer new customers to Desertcart in Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Discounts are issued to new as well as existing customers. This would help people who have a lot of friends to refer more people and save more money at Desertcart. After all, online shopping is all about affordable prices and great discounts. Find Exclusive Desertcart UAE Coupons at our website.

Valid Desertcart Promo Codes at GC Coupons

We have Exclusive Desertcart discount codes and Promo Codes for Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. You can find exclusive coupons on our website and save money on your online shopping. Whether you are ordering food online or buying electronics. we have coupons for all retailers.

Desertcart Promo Codes Offer Details
OM6 Buy Toys from 50 AED + 5% Extra Discount | UAE Users
AMN4 Grab up to 65% Off on Everything + 10% Instant Discount | Ramadan Sale
OM56 Redeem up to 45% Off on Perfumes + 5% Additional Discount
DCM502 10% Discount Sitewide up to 50 AED/SAR

Desertcart FAQs

Q: Is Desertcart available in the UAE?

A: Yes, Desertcart is applicable for customers in the United Arab Emirates.

Q: How often does GC Coupons update its Desertcart coupons and deals?  

A: GC Coupons regularly updates its Desertcart page that containing coupons and deals. Download the app to receive a notification on your phone every time a new Desertcart coupon or deal is added.  

Q: Does Desertcart require a minimum order amount to use its coupon? 

A: No minimum order amount is required to use a Desertcart discount code. 

Q: What is the validity of Desertcart voucher codes?  

A: All Desertcart coupon codes available on the GC Coupons website and app are valid. Our team makes sure to remove any and all expired coupons so you don't have to face any hassle while shopping. 

Q: How can I get the latest Desertcart discount codes?

A: Just Visit GC Coupons website and app, and search for Desertcart. You will find a range of coupons and deals.

Q: What is the maximum discount amount available with the usage of a Desertcart coupon code? 

A: There is no set maximum discount amount available upon usage of an Desertcart coupon code. The discount value will depend upon your cart value and the coupon code percentage. 

Q: I am unable to use a Desertcart coupon code. What do I do? 

A: Most of the Desertcart coupon codes available on the GC Coupons website and app are valid on all items. If a particular coupon code is not working for you, then please read the terms as it may be for a specific product or requires a minimum order amount to use. 

Q: What does exclusive mean for Desertcart? 

A: GC Coupons offers exclusive coupons from Desertcart. Exclusive means the coupons are only available on the GC Coupons' platform so kindly keep a regular check on our website and app to get the best deals.  

Q: Can I share my Desertcart voucher code with others?

A: Yes. Unless mentioned otherwise in the terms and conditions, you are free to share your Desertcart coupon codes with others. 

Q: How do I contact Desertcart's customer care in case of an emergency? 

A: If in case of an emergency or query, you can always contact Desertcart's customer care. They are available at via phone call at +971-45245555.

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Why we Desertcart

High-Quality Products

Multiple Payment Options

Easy Discounts

24/7 Customer Support

More about Desertcart

Launched in 2014 in the United Arab Emirates, Desertcart has quickly grown into the region's leading shopping destination. The company now caters to customers from over 20 countries including the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, and Saudi Arabia. Choose among tops, t-shirts, dresses, baby changing tables, tea makers, coffee makers, cups, plates, and more. Visit GC Coupons and get verified and 100% working Desertcart voucher codes to save 10% on your order.

Total Desertcart Offers 33
Total Desertcart Deals 24
Total Desertcart Coupon Codes 9
Valid Desertcart Coupon OM57

The above mentioned Desertcart coupon code is applicable for new and returning customers in the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, and Qatar